
Club Information
Great to see you, come back again soon!
Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m.
Sandal Golf Club
Cap Estate
Gros Islet/ Castries,  lc
Saint Lucia
We Meet on the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays at 12.30pm; On the 2nd & 4th Tuesdays we meet at 6.00 pm & 5th Tuesday we do something special - Check Website for Details NOTE: Until further notice, meetings take place via Zoom @6.30pm on Tuesdays
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Rotary's Vision:
"Together we see a world where people unite and take action, to create lasting change - across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves".

Object of Rotary

The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster:

  • FIRST: The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service;
  • SECOND: High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society;
  • THIRD: The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s personal, business, and community life;
  • FOURTH: The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.

The Four-Way Test

The Four-Way Test is a nonpartisan and nonsectarian ethical guide for Rotarians to use for their personal and professional relationships. The test has been translated into more than 100 languages, and Rotarians recite it at club meetings:
Of the things we think, say or do

  1. Is it the TRUTH?
  2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
  4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
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Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Jason Lang
February 6
Marvin Williams
February 9
Maggie Chase
February 26
Spouse Birthdays
Jose Calderon
February 2
Maggie Chase
March 26
Lisle Chase
Maggie Chase
March 26
Join Date
Tracy George
February 2, 2021
4 years
Chuck MacCarthy
February 12, 2013
12 years
Angela Clarke
February 14, 2012
13 years
Terrence Elliott
February 18, 2020
5 years
Ernest Noeline
February 19, 2019
6 years
Simone Skinner
February 19, 2019
6 years
Kenroy Justin
February 27, 2021
4 years
Gene Lawrence
March 5, 1993
32 years
Maria Thom
March 5, 1993
32 years
Jason Lang
March 15, 2022
3 years
Marvin Williams
March 15, 2022
3 years
Carina Snagg
March 31, 2018
7 years
Kevin Jn.Baptiste
March 31, 2018
7 years
Precious Edward
March 31, 2018
7 years
Photo Albums
Hampers for the Needy 2018
Rotary Plates for Peace
District Governor Dominique VENERE's Official Visit
2017 Hampers for the Needy
Hand over of Playground & GoTo Inserts for Wheel Chairs
Tree Planting & River Picnic
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Week Ended March 10th 2019

Meeting of March 5th 2019
Many thanks to Rtn Lenny and Windjammer Landing Resort for the very yummy Birthday Cake
President Lenita Cutting the Birthday Cake
PP Gene Recounting his Life as a Rotarian After Joining as a Charter Member in 1993
Visiting Rotarian PP Peter Douch and his Wife Josephine (next to PE Joel)
Rotarian Lenny with PP Dahlia.  Anyone notice that she has purple hair???
PP Maria (Charter Member) in foreground
PP Jonathan Everett was remembered by all as we toasted our Club
We were delighted to welcome Noella Sankar of the Good News Project  to our meeting, along with PP Peter Douch from RC Wimborne, UK and his wife Josephine.
President Lenita asked all those who wished to move a toast to RCGI, to stand and do so in turn.  From new Rotarians to the ...not so new Rotarians, toasted to our small yet highly accomplished club. PP Gene who was the club's 2nd President, spoke for the longest, having been given permission so to do by the President.  He recalled the Bells of Gros Islet which was our very first project.  The Bell tower appears on our trading banner today.  He reminded us that Grow Well started off twenty four years ago as a drop in centre for at risk children, and that the centre had grown from strength to strength in the last twenty four years.  Past President Jonathan was remembered fondly, and we raised a toast in his honour.

We Celebrated ALL Women on March 8th with special  thoughts of those who are Rotarians
World Rotaract Week 2019
Rotary believes in developing the next generation of leaders. Our programs help younger leaders build leadership skills, expand education and learn the value of service.
Rotaract exists in 184 countries; there are 10,904 Rotaract Clubs with 250,792 Rotaractors.


Rotaract clubs bring together people ages 18-30 to exchange ideas with leaders in the community, develop leadership and professional skills, and have fun through service.

In communities worldwide, Rotary and Rotaract members work side by side to take action through service. From big cities to rural villages, Rotaract is changing communities like yours.

What’s involved?

Rotaract members decide how to organize and run their clubs, manage their own funds, and plan and carry out activities and service projects. Rotary club sponsors offer guidance and support and work with your club as partners in service.

When did you as a member of RCGI last visit the Rotaract Club of Gros Islet?  Is this Programme of Rotary important to you?  We need your help to make the Rotaract movement stronger and more sustainable in our District.  Are we being the Inspiration that RI President Barry Rassin challenged us to be? 

District Conference 2019
April 24th to 28th sees District PETS and Conference in Guadeloupe.  So why should you care?  Why spend money to go to yet another conference or convention, it is just after Easter after all and you really do not know many people who will be there.  What do you have to gain, you may have been to one or two already?
Your President Elect and your Secretary Elect are obliged to go, so they will be there, failing some unforeseen hinderance.  PETS is where the incoming officers have a chance to rub shoulders with their counterparts from across the District, and discuss common issues that they will face in the year ahead of them.  They will have a chance to meet the District leaders and to meet the Rotary international staff as well as the RI President's special Representative.  Any issue that they can possibly imagine, has been faced by one ort more of these people and there is always an answer.
If you are not a PE or SE you can attend the Conference starting on Friday Morning, the 26th April.  So accommodation is less expensive.  You will come in for the opening ceremony on the Thursday and start to meet people of like mind, people who you will become friends with by the time you leave for home on Sunday.  You will also have the chance to meet the Rotary International staff and the District leaders.  But nothing beats the fellowship that you will experience.
Rotary is so much more that being a member of your club.  You owe it to yourself to expand your personal, professional and service horizons, to see what Rotary is truly all about.   Make the District Conference part of your  f your personal development plan.  Take the opportunity to learn about yourself and expand your vision and understanding of the way of life that is Rotary.  
Come to the conference to understand more fully, the vision of the incoming RI President Mark Maloney. Ge the insight into his theme Listen to inspiring addresses from Rotarians and others who, combined connect the dots for you in so many ways. For the cynical who may have been to conferences and think they know all there is to know, let me assure you - you don't.  Rotary changes and what held true yesterday may well have been challenged and improved upon today.
Come and join us in Guadeloupe.  
Strengthen Your Club
Many of us feel that we should do something to strengthen our membership, but have we stopped to think about how this might be done?
First things first, do we enjoy each other's company?  Do we look forward to going to club meetings?  If the answer to either or both of these questions is no, we need to address why this is so.  We can only build a strong club if we have strong members.  We would be well served to remember that the foundation of Rotary is fellowship. 
What do we mean by fellowship you might ask?  Well friends, fellowship is not simply having parties and get togethers, it is much more than that.  For us to have good fellowship, we need to be able to speak civilly to each other, we need to be polite and observe the basic good manners that so many have thrown out of the window.  To enjoy the company of our fellow Rotarians, we need to respect each other and be tolerant of others opinions and points of view.  Rotary embraces diversity as one of our core values alongside fellowship, integrity, service and leadership, therefore we should recognize that we may be different in many ways, but what binds us into a cohesive group are the remaining values.
Unless we get fellowship right, we can forget about strengthening our membership.
Rotary Service in Action
The following article, taken off of the Rotary website, shows just how simple it is to carry out effective, sustainable and impactful service projects in our club.  If we just Keep It Simple, we will not overreach our available manpower.

Take action during Rotary Water and Sanitation Month!

Posted on March 3, 2017 by rotaryservice

By Rotary Service and Engagement Staff 

Clean water and sanitation is a human right, but not everyone is afforded that right. Rotary members are providing communities with sustainable access to safe water, improved sanitation, hygiene management training. When people, especially children, have access to clean water, improved sanitation facilitates, and better hygiene habits, they lead healthier and more successful lives.

During March, Rotary Water and Sanitation Month, we encourage members to work towards Rotary’s goal of providing everyone with safe water, sanitation, and hygiene by 2030. Here are just a few examples of club service projects that are working towards that goal:

·        In Nepal, the Rotary Club of Durbarmarg collaborated with their twin club and the Rotaract Clubs of Phulbari and Eco-Himal Nepal, to provide access to safe drinking water for students at a government school. Students were drinking visibly contaminated, untreated water directly from the water source. Rotary members installed 14 low-cost colloidal silver-enhanced ceramic water filters with strong filtration systems. These filters were manufactured locally, and are a traditional practice in availing safe drinking water to those lacking access.

·        In the Philippines, the Rotary Club of Lubang Island trained mothers and children living in rural mountain areas on proper handwashing and sanitation methods. The community was getting their water from a local river and not washing their hands regularly. Club members trained the community how to keep their hands clean while conserving water.

Rotary Connecting the World

2019-20 RI president announces his presidential theme

Rotary International President-elect Mark Daniel Maloney explained his vision for building a stronger Rotary, calling on leaders to expand connections to their communities and to embrace innovative membership models.

Maloney, a member of the Rotary Club of Decatur, Alabama, USA, unveiled the 2019-20 presidential theme, Rotary Connects the World, to incoming district governors at Rotary’s annual training event, the International Assembly, in San Diego, California, USA, on Monday.

“The first emphasis is to grow Rotary — to grow our service, to grow the impact of our projects, but most importantly, to grow our membership so that we can achieve more,” Maloney said.

Maloney believes that connection is at the heart of the Rotary experience.

“(Rotary) allows us to connect with each other, in deep and meaningful ways, across our differences,” Maloney said. “It connects us to people we would never otherwise have met, who are more like us than we ever could have known. It connects us to our communities, to professional opportunities, and to the people who need our help.”

Maloney also called on every Rotary and Rotaract club to identify segments of their community not represented in their club by creating a membership committee with diverse members.  

“Through Rotary, we connect to the incredible diversity of humanity on a truly unique footing, forging deep and lasting ties in pursuit of a common goal,” he added. “In this ever more divided world, Rotary connects us all.”

Maloney urged leaders to offer alternative meeting experiences and service opportunities to make it easier for busy professionals and people with many family obligations to serve in leadership roles.

“We need to foster a culture where Rotary does not compete with the family, but rather complements it,” Maloney said. “That means taking real, practical steps to change the existing culture: being realistic in our expectations, considerate in our scheduling, and welcoming of children at Rotary events on every level.”

Maloney said many of the barriers that prevent people from serving as leaders in Rotary are based on expectations that are no longer relevant.

“It is time to adapt, to change our culture, and to convey the message that you can be a great district governor without visiting every club individually, and a great president without doing everything yourself.”

Relationship with the United Nations

During 2019-20, Rotary will host a series of presidential conferences around the world, focusing on Rotary’s relationship with the United Nations and the UN’s sustainable development goals that many Rotary service projects support. More information will be available in July.

In 2020, the United Nations will celebrate the 75th anniversary of its charter and its mission of promoting peace. Rotary was one of 42 organizations the United States invited to serve as consultants to its delegation at the 1945 San Francisco conference, which led to the UN’s charter. For decades, Rotary has worked alongside the United Nations to address humanitarian issues around the world. Today, Rotary holds the highest consultative status that the UN offers to nongovernmental organizations.

“Rotary shares the United Nations’ enduring commitment to a healthier, more peaceful, and more sustainable world,” Maloney said. “And Rotary offers something no other organization can match: an existing infrastructure that allows people from all over the world to connect in a spirit of service and peace and take meaningful action toward that goal.” 

RI President's Message - World Rotaract Week

Rotary is powerful. Together with Rotaract, it is unstoppable. Working side by side, we have the potential to Be the Inspiration in every part of society, to every person we meet.

Dear fellow Rotarians,

One of the things I appreciate most about serving as president of Rotary International is the people I get to meet. Much of my time is spent traveling and visiting Rotary clubs around the world. A Rotarian welcome is something quite special. But let me tell you, there’s nothing so warm as the welcomes that have been rolled out for me by Rotaractors. These are young people who are committed to Rotary ideals, who are pouring their hearts into service, and who, in the process, don’t forget to have fun.

One of the highlights of my recent travels was a trip to Ghana, where I visited a district that boasts some 60 Rotaract clubs. They aren’t satisfied with that number, though — in fact, they’re excited about a plan to double it. They’ll do it, too.

Rotaractors are vaccinating children against polio. They’re donating blood where the supply is dangerously low. They’re providing handwashing facilities to schools where children previously had no way to get clean. In short, they’re all about transformational service: carrying out projects that make a real difference in their communities.

In Nakivale, Uganda, one special Rotaract club is making a difference in its community — which happens to be a refugee settlement. These young leaders are turning what others might see as disadvantages into opportunities for service, building community and opening up new possibilities to those who are most in need of them.

In Turkey, Rotaractors are visiting children in the hospital every Wednesday to lift their spirits by playing games with them. They also are mentoring new students at their university and teaching them leadership skills.

Rotaractors are blazing the path for Rotary to be more relevant in this new century of service. And World Rotaract Week, which we’re celebrating 11-17 March, is the perfect opportunity to get to know your local Rotaractors and talk to them about how your clubs can work together. If your Rotary club doesn’t already sponsor a Rotaract club, know that you don’t need to be near a college or university to do it: Community-based Rotaract clubs are a great option. And remember that Rotaractors are part of the Rotary family.

When Rotaractors are ready to leave their Rotaract club, we don’t want them to leave that Rotary family behind. I’m asking all Rotarians to help them make the transition into a Rotary club or to start a new one: I’m happy to charter as many new clubs as we need to give everyone a place where they feel at home while making the world a little better. Service should be fun, it should be inspirational, and it should be open to all.

If there’s one thing Rotary has always excelled at, it’s diversity. In the past, that often meant diversity of profession, nationality, and outlook. We’ve made great strides when it comes to diversity of age and gender, and as we welcome more Rotaractors into our organization, we’ll become even stronger.

Rotary is powerful. Together with Rotaract, it is unstoppable. Working side by side, we have the potential to Be the Inspiration in every part of society, to every person we meet.



Blueprint for Welcoming Rotaractors into the Family

John Marvin Leonor has fun in a foam pit during a fellowship event including the Rotaract clubs of New Rise Kalookan North and Zamboanga City West at the ABS-CBN Studio Experience in September.

By John Marvin Leonor, Rotaract Club of New Rise Kalookan North, Philippines


The first word that comes to mind when I think about our sponsor Rotary club is family. It is our greatest honor to serve our community alongside the Rotary Club of Kalookan North. Whenever anyone asks me what our greatest strength is as a Rotaract club, I can proudly say it is the active and strong partnership with our Rotary club.

The importance of this partnership cannot be underestimated. Rotary clubs have the ability to make Rotaractors feel they belong to this huge family of Rotary and are an integral part of it. I feel fortunate our Rotary club has made it such a priority, and hope by sharing this it will inspire other clubs to do the same.

Kalookan North Rotary organizes several activities which always involve members of both clubs. Some of the usual activities include the annual induction of new club officers, a teambuilding activity, and a Christmas party. Last year, we were invited to their annual Dr. Martin’s Cup, initiated by one of their charter members. It includes several games designed to test our teambuilding skills.

Simply put, there is no separation or boundary between us. They make sure that we, as Rotaractors, are their ‘partners’ in service, not just ‘assistants’ in service. We put our heart and soul into joining their programs and it is one of the most satisfying feelings to see our beloved Rotarians amongst us in large numbers to motivate and support us all the way.

They supported us during our recently-concluded Project HOPE (Healing Our People through Education), a three-month extensive workshop designed to help an estimated 130 children in custody due to conflicts with the law or drugs. The children receive professional mentoring to restore positive values and bring about physical and mental rehabilitation.

With the help of the Rotary club, we designed modules that we call Life Kits that capture the fundamental principles of the program. We solicited sponsorship from other Rotarians, which allowed us to produce even more of these modules and hand them over to agencies working with troubled youth in other districts. A subsequent project is focusing on training and empowering future stakeholders and volunteers to be able to advance the objectives of the effort further, helping even more children experience a new life.

The Rotary Club of Kalookan North regularly takes time at their meetings to recognize the work that we do. It is a great morale boost. In every moment of our Rotaract lives, we need Rotarians that will guide, mentor, and support us along the way.

With the help of our Rotary Club, we are learning the good values and character that will define us as the best Rotaractors we can be, and hopefully, to be inspiring Rotarians in the future.

A Deeper Look at the Four Way Test
As Rotarians around the world pause to think about the concept of Peace and Conflict, we sometimes miss the significance of the simple test that we recite weekly at our meetings.  This test of the things we think say or do in our daily lives was developed in 1932 by Herbert Taylor.  This was many years before the legendary Catholic Pope uttered these words: 
The parallels between this and the Four Way Test are striking:
Is it the Truth?
Is it Fair to all concerned?
Will it build Goodwill & Better Friendships?
Will it be Beneficial to all concerned?
Fairness, Truth, Justice & Solidarity, all pivotal in the creation of PEACE; the AVOIDANCE of CONFLICT and indeed in CONFLICT RESOLUTION.
The following article on the origin and relevance of the Four Way Test is shared here.