April 24th to 28th sees District PETS and Conference in Guadeloupe. So why should you care? Why spend money to go to yet another conference or convention, it is just after Easter after all and you really do not know many people who will be there. What do you have to gain, you may have been to one or two already? Your President Elect and your Secretary Elect are obliged to go, so they will be there, failing some unforeseen hinderance. PETS is where the incoming officers have a chance to rub shoulders with their counterparts from across the District, and discuss common issues that they will face in the year ahead of them. They will have a chance to meet the District leaders and to meet the Rotary international staff as well as the RI President's special Representative. Any issue that they can possibly imagine, has been faced by one ort more of these people and there is always an answer. If you are not a PE or SE you can attend the Conference starting on Friday Morning, the 26th April. So accommodation is less expensive. You will come in for the opening ceremony on the Thursday and start to meet people of like mind, people who you will become friends with by the time you leave for home on Sunday. You will also have the chance to meet the Rotary International staff and the District leaders. But nothing beats the fellowship that you will experience. Rotary is so much more that being a member of your club. You owe it to yourself to expand your personal, professional and service horizons, to see what Rotary is truly all about. Make the District Conference part of your f your personal development plan. Take the opportunity to learn about yourself and expand your vision and understanding of the way of life that is Rotary. Come to the conference to understand more fully, the vision of the incoming RI President Mark Maloney. Ge the insight into his theme .png) Listen to inspiring addresses from Rotarians and others who, combined connect the dots for you in so many ways. For the cynical who may have been to conferences and think they know all there is to know, let me assure you - you don't. Rotary changes and what held true yesterday may well have been challenged and improved upon today. Come and join us in Guadeloupe. |