"Together we see a world where people unite and take action, to create lasting change - across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves".
Object of Rotary
The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster:
FIRST: The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service;
SECOND: High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society;
THIRD: The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s personal, business, and community life;
FOURTH: The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.
The Four-Way Test
The Four-Way Test is a nonpartisan and nonsectarian ethical guide for Rotarians to use for their personal and professional relationships. The test has been translated into more than 100 languages, and Rotarians recite it at club meetings:
Of the things we think, say or do
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Paul Harris at age 3, around the time he moved to his grandparents’ home.
Paul Harris: Rotary’s Founder
Rotary started with the vision of one man — Paul P. Harris.
Harris was born on 19 April 1868 in Racine, Wisconsin, USA. At age 3, he moved to Wallingford, Vermont, where he grew up in the care of his paternal grandparents. He attended the University of Vermont and Princeton University and received his law degree from the University of Iowa in 1891.
We begin this week by recognizing the significance of this Easter week end in the Christian calendar, and by wishing all of our readers, a blessed and peaceful Easter.
The Rotary Club of Gros Islet and the Rotaract Club of Gros Islet have a few members travelling to Guadeloupe, some from this week end and others in the course of next week, where we will participate in the annual District 7030 conference and District leadership training. There will therefore be no bulletin next week as yours truly will be a part of Team Gros Islet in Guadeloupe.
This week we again had a number of guests at out weekly meeting.
April 16th
PP Gene next to PP Peter Douch after sharing a story about a literary competition in Timbuctoo!
Visiting Rotarian Richard Spalding brought two guests in the persons of Ruth Mc Farlaine and her son Eric. Both Ruth and Eric gave brief talks about themselves. Ruth owns and manages Admac, and Eric is an avid sailor with a passion for humanity.
Rtn. Ty looking really excited with new members Simone and Sheldon sharing some youthful fellowship
PP Peter & his wife Josephine ext to Dr. Rachel Thwaites-Williams; Secretary Elect Becky and Rtn Maggy.
Dr. Rachel spoke briefly on her career in medicine as well as her creative self. She is the author of a children's book and also a designer of children's wear, all named after her daughter Charlotte.
Josephine won the raffle prize which was presented by President Lenita with PP Peter in attendance
The photographer seems to have had an adverse effect on PP Peter, which given his profession as a funeral director (a second career), is slightly worrying -
By President Nominee Richard Spalding (Winchester, UK Rotary Club)
The prosthetic legs have arrived!
The crate of components arrived on Island from UK via Geestline’s Atlantic Klipper on 4 April. These were quickly off loaded and moved to NCPD where they will eventually be used. They were handed over to NCPD (National Council of and for Persons with Disabilities) at a short informal ceremony on Friday 12 April with 3 media stations (DBS, Choice TV and Hot 7 News) conducting interviews which were subsequently aired that evening.
This imaginative legacy project for RCGI has been the brainchild of President Lenita who set out to increase the capacity for fitting limbs by NCPD such that more amputees can regain their self esteem, better support their family, return to work and help increase productivity. To make this project both a short term success and sustainable for the long term, the small old workshop at Vieux Fort needed to be resited and modernised, prosthetic technicians needed to be trained and some prosthetic limbs had to be sourced. In February, the NCPD headquarters in Carellie were reconfigured and expanded which allowed a fully fitted workshop to be established including a separate plaster room (for sockets) and areas for privacy where assessments and fittings can be conducted. This area was also used for training 4 technicians, which was provided by an experienced prosthesis trainer from the USA, James de Wees, also in February. A collection of used prosthetic components were sourced in the UK and shipped to St Lucia.
The photo during the handover in NCPD shows (L to R): Cynthia Weekes and Linda Preville (both Board members of NCPD), RCGI President Lenita, Winchester Rotary President Nominee Richard, and Stephen Edmund (1st VP of NCPD). On the tables are the collection of components: 68 assorted feet, 12 sockets, 100 tubes (that’s the part that goes between the foot and the socket), 4 complete feet/tubes//knees, 13 knees (these are the most expensive item by far), a variety of adapters, connectors and tools needed in the fitting process. Most of the items are recycled and were most helpfully and kindly sourced by Alastair Gilbertson (Portsmouth UK, Prosthetics Centre) for free, the total value if purchased from new being approximately EC$200,000. A crate was then built by a Southampton-Based charity (Tools for Self Reliance), for free. The crate was then transported by road from there to Dover, by Hampshire Freight Services, for free. Then the crate was shipped by Geestline’s Atlantic Klipper from Dover to Castries, again for free. Winchester Rotary is very proud and pleased to collaborate on such a well-deserved cause as this, in terms of moral support and advice, part funding the training and obtaining some prosthetic limbs to help get the new facility fully functional.
Based on global averages, it is expected that there are between 20-50 amputations in St Lucia per year. Though this figure is not known precisely, it is derived from the typical figure of 0.01% of the population ie about 20; there are about 5000 amputations in public hospitals in England with a population of 50 million. However, with St Lucia’s much higher than average diabetes and road traffic accidents, it could be significantly more, hence the possible figure of 50 ie about one per week.
Now that all parts of the initial set up of the new facility are complete, publicity about it is needed, hospitals need to refer amputees to NCPD and then, hopefully, many amputees will be helped and President Lenita’s objectives met, for the benefit of so many.
The 2019 Council on Legislation may not have made as many dramatic changes as the Council three years ago did, but it made several decisions that will shape the future of Rotary.
Among the most important, the Council elevated the status of Rotaract clubs, allowing them to join Rotary International the way that Rotary clubs do. The change is intended to increase the support that Rotaract clubs receive from RI and to enhance their ability to serve.
“We need to be an inspiration to our young partners, so they will continue doing the great service that they do,” said RI President Barry Rassin when he presented the measure. “This sends a strong message that they are truly our partners in service.”
In many ways, the Rotaract experience will not change. Rotary clubs will still charter and sponsor Rotaract clubs. Rotaract clubs will still have their own standard constitution and their own unique club experience. And members of a Rotaract club will not be called Rotarians. The measure simply expands the definition of membership in Rotary International to include both Rotary and Rotaract clubs.
Every three years, representatives from Rotary districts around the world meet in Chicago, Illinois, USA, to consider changes to the constitutional documents that govern Rotary International. This year’s Council considered more than 100 proposals.
Representatives authorized the Board to pursue changing RI’s charitable status to a section 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. It is presently a 501(c)(4). A task force has been studying the possible change for 18 months and says it will offer benefits that include tax reductions and vendor discounts that will reduce expenses.
Dues increase
As for dues, the Council approved a modest increase of $1 a year for each of three years, beginning in 2020-21. The previous Council set dues for 2019-20 at $34 per half year.
With the increase, the dues that clubs pay to RI per member will increase to $34.50 per half year in 2020-21, $35 per half year in 2021-22, and $35.50 per half year in 2022-23. The dues will not be raised again until a future Council votes to change it.
The Council also changed the name of the General Surplus Fund to RI Reserve, because that more accurately reflects the purpose of the fund. In another vote, the Council approved calling the general secretary a chief executive officer (CEO) in circles outside Rotary, to increase his stature in dealings with other intergovernmental organizations.
A seemingly small but intensely debated action will reduce the number of nonvoting members at future Councils, by removing past RI presidents and allowing only one RI Board director to attend but not vote.
But in some respects, the Council defined itself as much by what it did not do.
This year’s representatives resisted pressure to limit some of the flexibility that the 2016 Council granted clubs, rejecting several measures that would have placed restrictions on clubs. One unsuccessful measure would have required clubs to meet at least 40 times each year.
Many clubs have been using the innovative and flexible club formats to attract new members and meet their current members’ needs.
Representatives also rejected proposals to make it optional for members to subscribe to an official Rotary magazine and to reduce the size of the Council by half and have it meet every two years.
See some of the Resolutions that you may find of interest, and the outcome:
Note that Attendance requirements continue but Make ups no longer restricted to 14 days before and after a meeting date.
Restrictions based on Classifications has been removed.
To remove committees from the Standard Rotary Club Constitution
To require that key club committee chairs be board members
To amend the term of the club president
To require the presentation of a budget and an annual report at the club’s annual meeting
Adopted as amended
To replace the requirement for attendance reports with a report on service
To lengthen the notice period for changing a club’s name or locality
To allow a club not to use “club” as part of its name
Rotary makes high-quality health care available to vulnerable mothers and children so they can live longer and grow stronger.
We expand access to quality care, so mothers and children everywhere can have the same opportunities for a healthy future. An estimated 5.9 million children under the age of five die each year because of malnutrition, inadequate health care, and poor sanitation — all of which can be prevented.
How Rotary makes help happen
Rotary provides education, immunizations, birth kits, and mobile health clinics. Women are taught how to prevent mother-to-infant HIV transmission, how to breast-feed, and how to protect themselves and their children from disease.
Are you engaged as Rotarian? I found the following graphic when I was contemplating the subject and thought I would use it to frame the discussion in todays bulletin.
I particularly noticed the nomenclature of "barely logged in" as it reminded me of myself when my younger friends, when visiting, stay past my bedtime and I am accused of "buffering" as I participate intermittently in the conversation while resting my eyelids.
Is your engagement on autopilot? Or are you transformative in your engagement?
Consider if you will, the following simple definition of engagement: – When people invest time/ energy/ money in exchange for value - they are engaged. This definition presumes that one gets value in exchange for investment of time, energy and/or money. That begs the question - what is your perception of value? Do you get value out of your membership in Rotary, and in particular from your membership in your Rotary club? How does your membership bring value to you? What is your expectation and has that expectation been met and surpassed as a result your investment?
Do you share the vision of Rotary International - We see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change - across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves ? If you do, does your club live this vision? Are we together and are we united? Are we taking action to create lasting change?
The good news is that once we are prepared to be engaged, we can be the change agents that will create the change that we want to see. We all joined Rotary for a reason, but we did not all join for the same reason. This is really good news as it is the very diversity of thought that makes Rotary such a dynamic organization. Every Rotarian has strengths and weaknesses, it is the job of our leaders to amplify the strengths and recognize the weaknesses. As a united team, we work together to support each other, not to promote self to patronize belittle others. This is what true engagement is all about.
Rotary Connects the World. What does this mean to you? RI President Elect is clear that this is the essence of engagement. The very connection will create deep and lasting friendships if we are true to the spirit of Rotary, if we are Rotarians at heart. There is nothing to be gained from being a member of Rotary, without being engaged, being a true Rotarian. So join the discussion, if you align your vision, your purpose, with the vision of Rotary, you will, arrive at the point of engagement.
With just over two months left to run in the current Rotary year, we pause to consider Rotary International President Elect Mark D. Maloney's theme for 2019/2020.
Maloney believes that connection is at the heart of the Rotary experience.
“(Rotary) allows us to connect with each other, in deep and meaningful ways, across our differences,” Maloney said. “It connects us to people we would never otherwise have met, who are more like us than we ever could have known. It connects us to our communities, to professional opportunities, and to the people who need our help.”
“Through Rotary, we connect to the incredible diversity of humanity on a truly unique footing, forging deep and lasting ties in pursuit of a common goal,” he added. “In this ever more divided world, Rotary connects us all.”
Do you know what we are talking about when we say " we received a presidential citation"? The term is now changed to a Rotary Citation and now we can receive a Rotary Citation with Presidential Distinction.
Every year, the president of RI sets a number of criteria, based on the theme for the year and the RI strategic plan, that encourage Rotary clubs to think strategically. I have taken extracts from this year's criteria to share with you, so that you will understand the strategic direction that the board has identified this year. You will also be able to identify with the progress toward these strategic initiatives.
In Reviewing the following initiatives consider what role you have played in making it happen. Are you engaged? The good news is that we have two and a half months to the end of this Rotary year so there is time if we share the vision!
Achieve at least 3 of the following goals:
· Achieve a net gain of 1 member √
· Maintain or improve your club’s retention of current and new members:
o Improve your club’s retention rate by 1 percentage point
o If your club’s retention rate was 90 percent or more in 2017-18, maintain it √
· Achieve a net gain in female members √
· Have at least 60 percent of club members report their birth dates through My Rotary
· Sponsor or co-sponsor a new Rotary club
· Conduct a classification study of your members’ occupations, and work to align your membership with the mix of businesses and professions in your community
Achieve at least 3 of the following goals:
· Sponsor a Rotary Community Corps
· Sponsor or co-sponsor an Interact or Rotaract club √
· Contribute at least $100 per capita to the Annual Fund
· Increase the number of members involved in service projects
· Hold an event to raise funds for, or to increase awareness of, Rotary’s work toward polio eradication
· Conduct a significant local or international service project in one of Rotary’s six areas of focus √
Achieve at least 3 of the following goals:
· Post successful club projects, with details about activities, volunteer hours, and funds raised, on Rotary Showcase
· Use Rotary’s brand guidelines, templates, People of Action campaign materials, and related resources √
· Arrange for the club’s members to talk with the media to tell your club’s, and Rotary’s, story √
· Host an event for Rotary alumni, and highlight Rotary’s networking opportunities
· Continue or establish a partnership with a corporate, governmental, or nongovernmental entity and work on a project together √
· Sponsor a Youth Exchange student or RYLA participant
If we want a citation with distinction we would add the following:
Achieve these goals in addition to earning the Rotary Citation to receive SILVER (1 goal), GOLD (2 goals), or PLATINUM (3 goals) distinction
· Achieve a net gain of 5 or more members
· Show how your club’s members are People of Action by promoting your club and its service activities on social media at least 4 times per month
Initiate or continue a leadership, personal, or professional development program to enhance members’ skills and the value of their membership
There are separate criterion for Rotaract and Interact clubs. Let me know if you are interested and I will either send to you privately or if possible in the next bulletin.