"Together we see a world where people unite and take action, to create lasting change - across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves".
Object of Rotary
The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster:
FIRST: The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service;
SECOND: High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society;
THIRD: The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s personal, business, and community life;
FOURTH: The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.
The Four-Way Test
The Four-Way Test is a nonpartisan and nonsectarian ethical guide for Rotarians to use for their personal and professional relationships. The test has been translated into more than 100 languages, and Rotarians recite it at club meetings:
Of the things we think, say or do
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The year is now over, at least from midnight tonight it is. I wish to congratulate President Lenita and her team for successfully navigating the obstacles and challenges of the current Rotary year, and I wish to wish PE Joel and his team, good luck as we go forward with resolve to make this new Rotary year the best year ever for RCGI. Every president takes the reigns with a sense of pride and resolve to do their best, to make a difference, to be the inspiration to their members and to deliver on the goals set by the team. Last year was no different and this year coming will be also.
Members, it is up to us to support the president and team in the coming year so that they can deliver and meet and better our expectations for our club. Remember, we are the little club that CAN. We are a group of like minded business and professional persons who have come together to fellowship and to do good in the world. In order to achieve our ultimate goal, we must be positive, we must know that there are solutions to every challenge and seek to find common ground to resolve differences. In this year ahead, we plan to grow the membership and to enrich the member experience, remember that you are a part of that experience. We can only deliver a great value proposition if we all come on board, celebrate our diversity and rely on Rotary's core values of fellowship, integrity, service and leadership to strengthen our club. Let us leave the destructive negativity out of our Rotary lives, trust me we will all be much happier and fulfilled if we hitch our wagons to the star of positivity.
The coming year must be one of fellowship. We must connect with all of our Rotary family as we prepare to host first, the governor handing over in June next year and then the District conference in April 2021. I am reminded by Conference chair Konrad that he received virtually zero response to his request for Rotarians to indicate their commitment to assisting with the conference logistics - a huge undertaking. This next year and a bit should galvanize us as Team Rotary, much like the disaster that was Hurricane Tomas in 2010 galvanized us as one Rotary. So let us have fun together as we work to deliver service to our community and build the bonds that make us Rotarians.
As I close out this year and move on to being your DG Elect. I will continue to serve the club as Treasurer and in whatever way I can. I am looking forward to passing on the role of bulletin editor to others who have indicated that they may be able to assist. It is up to you, if you think that the bulletin adds nothing, then it will cease in the very near future. If however members feel that there is value, then you will come together to take it over and continue to provide members with timely information relevant to members and Rotarians as well as our sponsors and Rotary partners. The bulletin is both inward facing and outward facing, it is in my humble opinion, a valuable tool for informing all stakeholders of what we do. Over to you.
On Tuesday, 25th June 2019, in our evening meeting held at Harmony Suites hotel in Rodney Bay; the Rotary Club of Gros Islet was treated to a special presentation by Crime Prevention expert, Mr. Joe Berkeley.
The subject matter appealed to our members who had many questions for our guest speaker. This made for an interactive and engaging presentation. Mr. Berkeley discussed two areas of concern: residential areas and cyber safety.
He contends that our home is our castle but we must not make it appealing for unwanted guests. He suggested four types of crime prevention strategies: natural surveillance, access control, territorial reinforcement and maintenance.
He also showed Rotarians present examples of scams on line including messages that the user had malware; an inteface for facebook and technical support with a phone number to call. He warned against giving remote access to your computer; credit card information or bitcoin etc.
On Saturday June 22nd. at the joint celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Rotary Club of St. Kitts and the official handing over ceremony of Governor 2018/2019 to Governor 2019/2020, there was an atmosphere of great pride and fellowship. Pride, because the Governorship of District 7030 was about to return to the small twin island state of St. Kitts & Nevis for the first time in nearly thirty years, and fellowship because the Rotarians of Saint Kitts, are among the most hospitable in the world.
The Rotary Club of Saint Kitts was Chartered in 1969, before the Caribbean was even recognized as a Rotary District. In 1973 the Caribbean Clubs all met in St. Kitts (not a District Conference as there was no District) and within a year District 404 was borne. This mega District covered the entire Caribbean and proved to be unmanageable. The District was divided into two and on July 1st 1992 the District as we know it, was renumbered as District 7030. This was the same year that the late Alfred (Freddie) Lam of the Rotary Club of St. Kitts was District Governor. So St. Kitts can rightfully say that PDG Freddie Lam was the first Governor of District 7030.
Among the 170 persons in attendance at the ceremony, were the Prime Minister of St. Kitts, Dr. Timothy Harris, six Rotarians from RC Antigua, four Past District Governors and the DGN (yours truly). In addition to interesting addresses by DG Dominique, DGE Trevor and PP Charles Wilkin, who gave a history of the club, to very special residents of St. Kitts were honoured as Paul Harris Fellows along with two members of the RC Antigua who were in attendance.
All agreed that we had a wonderful year as we tried to live up to RI President Barry Rassin's charge to BE THE INSPIRATION. We were reminded of the Vision of Rotary international: "Together we see a world where people unite, and take action to create lasting change - across the globe, in our communities and in ourselves". DG 2019/2020, Trevor reminded us of his District goals and in particular his focus on Youth at Risk and Diabetes.
After the official part of the meeting, there was, surprise, surprise, good music and dancing. A great event that stands out in my memory because of the wonderful hospitality that we, the visitors received. We were picked up at the airport, taken to our hotel where we mingled and chatted in the time that it took to check in. We were picked up for the function and returned to our hotel. The next morning DGE Trevor and Michele joined us for breakfast and President Leah was there to ensure that we got to our flights on time. True Rotary fellowship and wonderful hospitality.
The bar has been set high for us to follow next year and the year after. I know we will meet this challenge in exemplary fashion.
Official Handing Over From DG Dominique to DG Trevor
DG Dominique gracing the Chain of Office before handing over to DG Trevor
DGE Trevor and his wife Michele preparing for their new roles as District Governor of District 7020 and First Lady.
DG Dominique happily fixing the chain of office of the District Governor, around the neck of DG Trevor Blake
DG Trevor Blake addressing the gathering at Carambola, the venue for the handing over in Saint Kitts
On Saturday June 29th the members of the Rotaract Club of Gros Islet were busy attending a workshop facilitated by Chair Tzarmallah Haynes-Joseph of the Rotary Satellite Club of Saint Lucia Sunset. This activity ran until 1,00pm after which some members delivered a hamper to a young mother of four who, although she has a job at a down town restaurant, is unable to make ends meet. What we found was a family living in appalling conditions. The basic structure of the house, which the mum inherited from a relative, is sound but it is termite infested and the roof leaks and needs replacing. The back door consists of pallet wood, nailed in place to pose as a closed door, although the termites have eaten out some of the boards. There is no furniture in the house and the family sleeps in one room on matrices on the floor these are elevated on pallets to keep them dry when the roof leaks. Being cognizant that Rotary tries to be strategic in selecting projects that are more impactful, the Rotaractors present would like to open a discussion on how the Rotary family may be able to assist in making the life of the young girls more acceptable. As individuals do we as humanitarians wish to get involved to assist this family?
The year 2018/2019 was not without its challenges, but looking back we can celebrate our achievements and learn from whatever did not go to plan.
The year started in July when we welcomed our District Governor to our board meeting held at Calabash Cove Resort (Thank you PP Konrad - RCSL for your hospitality). The DG also visited the projects of Rotary Satellite Club of Gros Islet South Saint Lucia and met the executive and members In August we made a fellowship event or two from attending the Caribbean Premier League Cricket We also welcomed the President of RC Basse Terre Fort St. Charles, Emmanuelle Marie-Agnes and her son Matteo. In August RI President Barry Rassin and his wife Esther visited hurricane ravaged Dominica along with DG Dominique and PDG David Edwards. Your editor was behind the camera as usual. The delegation visited, among other things, the fish pot building project funded largely by our club. The eerie blue light comes from the blue tarpaulin used as shade. They also visited the re-roofing project toward which members of our club also made substantial contributions In September we welcomed DRR Delon Earland we participated in the Youth Symposium along with our Rotaractors and Interactors. This was an extraordinarily successful project of the RC Saint Lucia under the dynamic leadership of President Soraya Warner-Gustave. October, we held our annual Creole lunch, which was a bitter sweet event as it marked the beginning of the end for our Charter Member and friend PP MPHF Jonathan Everett We made a substantial donation toward the refurbishment of a home for a family on that day In October, the Rotary Satellite Club South held their Plates for Peace Project which gave members the opportunity to interact with the children to connect for peace In early November, Rotarian (now PE ) Richard Spalding arrived with spare parts for the wheel chair that was donated through the Rotary Club of Winchester, UK and then on November 17th our faithful friend succumbed to cancer
A sad landmark in our calendar.
But life goes on and so too did our school feeding programme, every month Through our effort and contact, Grow Well was able to secure a used container for storage which was badly needed
The Satellite club continued to raise funds and carry out projects
We handed over the mobile dental unit to the Ministry of Health at the beginning of December. This was funded by a District Grant in the previous Rotary year. December is the month for giving and as usual RCGI and Rotary Satellite South distributed hampers to those most in need The Christmas fellowship was somewhat dampened by the recent loss of our friend but we made the most of it. In December we also had the Grow Well Golf Awards ceremony, at which some exceptional young people received awards for their self improvement over the year. Here too, the memory of PP Jonathan was honoured. He was a stalwart in support of Grow Well. In January we bade farewell to Rotarian Peter (Pedro) Barnard from RC Saint Lucia. Pedro was to be found flying his small plane all over the world as he attended Rotary International Conventions. He also flew our donation of a generator for the hospital in Montserrat into that island after a hurricane some years ago, among many other generous acts in the interest of humanity. Our fellowship continued as we welcomed visiting Rotarians and guests to our meetings including Megan and Noella from Good News And Lew Miller from Colorado Lew continues to be in touch about a possible project to bring solar powered lights to communities without electrical power. By the end of January, Sonya Alleyne of RC Barbados South was confirmed as District Governor Nominee Designate And on into February when RCGI hosted yet another successful Golf tournament Which the Grow Well junior golf team won! Wat an absolutely outstanding achievement. Congratulations to the Grow Well Golf Committee for their tireless efforts on behalf of the young golfers. On February 19th we welcomed three new members: Simone Skinner, Ernest Noeline, and Sheldon Michele
Satellite South held another successful Plates for Peace event held on February 23rd, which is Rotary's Birthday and also designated World Peace Day. March kicked off with us celebrating our own birthday and on the 26th your editor tied the knot with his partner in service, Rtn Maggie On March 30th we celebrated our Charter
Throughout the year, President Lenita along with Rotarian Richard spalding were hard at work on what President Len refers to as our legacy project. This is the Prosthetic limb project which is featured on our website This project was highlighted at the District conference in Guadeloupe. Well done President Len and thank you Rotarian Richard and Winchester Rotary
In April there was a Rotaract symposium organized by RC Saint Lucia in which RCGI and Rotaract Gros Islet participated. All who attended reported that it was a fun filled Sunday with a strong value proposition IPP Angela received her Paul Harris award at o regular evening meeting. And President Lenita passed on the Rotary Citation for 2017/2018 to IPP Angela. The evening meetings continue to be well received by the younger members in particular, who find it difficult to make a lunch time meeting due to their work commitments. And then there was the District Conference in Guadeloupe
In May RCSL held their impressive Doctors in Action project and RCGI supported the effort. And at the very last meeting in May, we inducted three new members: Zanique Edwards, Rachel Thwaites-Williams, and Jenna Flavious
Rounding out the Year, Rotarians Judy, Maggie and Lisle went to Hamburg to the international Convention where they were joined by approximately 25,000 Rotarians from around the world. PE Joel received another Paul Harris Fellow award, bringing him to PHF+2 And apart from a slew of handing over ceremonies, this pretty much brings the year to a close. So judge for yourself - did we have an active year? Your call, but I suggest that if your answer is no, maybe you need to become more involved.
On July 1st, 2019 we will say goodbye to our truly inspirational leader, Barry Rassin from the Rotary Club of East Nassau, Bahamas and his wife Esther. Barry and Esther have done an outstanding job at the helm of our organization and represented the Caribbean with distinction. Barrie stepped up when then RI President Elect Sam Owori died unexpectedly on July 13th 2017. He has served with humility and he and Esther are the embodiment of Service Above Self. They are much loved across the Rotary world, which thanks to his efforts, now includes Rotaract.
On July 1st Mark D Maloney takes over the helm. He is a member of the Rotary Club of Decatur, Alabama, USA.
“The clubs are where Rotary happens,” says Maloney, an attorney. He aims to support and strengthen clubs at the community level, preserve Rotary’s culture as a service-oriented membership organization, and test new regional approaches for growth.
“With the eradication of polio, recognition for Rotary will be great and the opportunities will be many,” he says. “We have the potential to become the global powerhouse for doing good.”
Maloney is a principal in the law firm of Blackburn, Maloney, and Schuppert LLC, with a focus on taxation, estate planning, and agricultural law. He represents large farming operations in the Southeastern and Midwestern United States, and has chaired the American Bar Association’s Committee on Agriculture in the section of taxation. He is a member of the American Bar Association, Alabama State Bar Association, and the Alabama Law Institute.
He has been active in Decatur’s religious community, chairing his church’s finance council and a local Catholic school board. He has also served as president of the Community Foundation of Greater Decatur, chair of Morgan County Meals on Wheels, and director of the United Way of Morgan County and the Decatur-Morgan County Chamber of Commerce.
A Rotarian since 1980, Maloney has served as an RI director; Foundation trustee and vice chair; and aide to 2003-04 RI President Jonathan Majiyagbe. He also has participated in the Council on Legislation as chair, vice chair, parliamentarian, and trainer. He was an adviser to the 2004 Osaka Convention Committee and chaired the 2014 Sydney Convention Committee.
Prior to serving as a district governor, Maloney led a Group Study Exchange to Nigeria. He also served as Future Vision Committee vice chair; Foundation training institute moderator; Foundation permanent fund national adviser; member of the Peace Centers Committee; and adviser to the Foundation’s Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene in Schools Target Challenge Committee.
Maloney’s wife, Gay, is an attorney in the same law firm, and a member and past president of the Rotary Club of Decatur Daybreak, Alabama, USA. Both Mark and Gay are Paul Harris Fellows, Major Donors, and Bequest Society members.