Child Development & Guidance Centre Official Opening
The Rotary Club of Gros Islet proudly supports the CDGC
CDGC moves into its new home
In 1998 CDGC operated out of one room in a special education school. Over the last 17 years there has been
a steady increase of referrals, children requiring intervention, and the number of staff members.
a steady increase of referrals, children requiring intervention, and the number of staff members.
In December of 2014 the Organisation was able to secure funding to purchase a new facility, and later, in May 2015, the funding required to renovate the purchased property. The new location is wheelchair accessible, has multiple therapy rooms, and potential for a training room and conference centre and an indoor/outdoor sensory space. To date, while for the most part renovations are complete, work is still ongoing on the playground. The Rotary Club of Gros Islet is pleased to assist with this initiative by providing funding for the outdoor sensory space, also known as the Playground.
After months of negotiation followed by an intense period of renovation and construction, the CDGC has officially declared the new facility open. The ribbon cutting ceremony took place on Friday February 12th 2016 much to the delight of Her Excellency Dame Pearlette Louisy, Prime Minister Dr. The Honourable Kenny D. Anthony and a host of donor partners, friends, family members, students, children and well-wishers.
The Rotary Club of Gros Islet is pleased to congratulate the New CDGC on this major achievement which will serve the needs of Saint Lucia’s children well into the future.

Her Excellency Dame Pearlette Louisy Cutting the Ribbon

Dr. Brigitte Schuling, Founder of CDGC with James Wadham, Trustee for the Pinnacle Trust
The Rotary Club of Gros Islet proudly supports the CDGC
What is the CDGC
The Child Development and Guidance Centre (CDGC) is a registered Non-profit organization established in Saint Lucia in 1998. The Organisation’s mission is to provide early intervention to assist children with recognized developmental delays in achieving their fullest potential. This is achieved by investing in early diagnosis through specialist assessment and then intervention with speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, physiotherapy and play based therapy.
These services are offered to children from birth to the age of sixteen years by a multi-disciplinary team
comprising of a paediatrician and medical therapists. It is the only facility that provides this paediatric
intervention service for Saint Lucian children.
comprising of a paediatrician and medical therapists. It is the only facility that provides this paediatric
intervention service for Saint Lucian children.
For more information please visit the website -

The Future Home of the Sensory Playground